5 Things to Do After Publishing Your Book

Rais Tuluka
3 min readJun 7, 2023


(It’s Not What You Think)

Publishing a book is a significant accomplishment and a culmination of countless hours, dedication, and creativity. It is a momentous occasion in any writer’s life. However, amidst the excitement and fulfillment, it is essential not to overlook the importance of taking a well-deserved rest. Rest is a crucial component of the creative process and plays a pivotal role in maintaining mental and physical well-being. In this blog, we will explore why it is crucial to rest after publishing a book and how it can benefit you as an author.

1. Celebrate Your Achievement:

First and foremost, after publishing a book, it is vital to take the time to celebrate your achievement. Publishing a book is no small feat, and you should be proud of your accomplishment. Celebrating this milestone helps validate your hard work, boosts your confidence, and provides a sense of closure to the project. It allows you to acknowledge the journey you have been on and the growth you have experienced as a writer.

2. Physical and Mental Regeneration:

The process of writing and publishing a book can be mentally and physically exhausting. It often involves long hours of concentration, emotional investment, and multiple revisions. Taking time off after the publication allows your body and mind to rest and recover. Rest is essential for replenishing energy levels, reducing stress, and preventing burnout. It gives you the opportunity to recharge and prepare for future creative endeavors.

3. Gain Fresh Perspective:

Stepping away from your work after its publication enables you to gain a fresh perspective. When you immerse yourself in a project for an extended period, it is easy to become too close to it. Taking a break allows you to distance yourself from your book and come back to it with a renewed outlook. This fresh perspective can be invaluable for future revisions, ideas for sequels, or entirely new projects.

4. Reflect and Evaluate:

Rest provides an ideal opportunity for reflection and evaluation. After the intense period of writing and editing, it is crucial to reflect on the journey you have taken and the lessons you have learned. Consider what worked well during the writing process and what could be improved. Reflect on the feedback you have received from readers and critics, and use it as an opportunity for personal growth. This reflection will help you refine your craft and enhance your skills as a writer.

5. Reconnect with Loved Ones and Hobbies:

During the process of writing and publishing a book, it is not uncommon for authors to become consumed by their work. Taking a break after publication allows you to reconnect with your loved ones and engage in activities that may have been neglected during the writing process. Spend quality time with family and friends, pursue hobbies, or explore new interests. This rejuvenation of personal relationships and activities outside of writing can contribute to your overall happiness and well-being.


While publishing a book is a momentous achievement, it is equally important to prioritize rest and self-care afterward. Taking the time to rest and recharge allows you to celebrate your accomplishment, rejuvenate your mind and body, gain a fresh perspective, reflect on your journey, and reconnect with loved ones and hobbies. Remember, the creative process is a cycle, and rest is an integral part of that cycle. So, take a step back, savor your achievement, and return to your writing endeavors with renewed vigor and inspiration.

