What is the Definition of Peace?

The penny of desired mental states

Rais Tuluka
10 min readFeb 17, 2022
Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

Without negotiation, no definition will do peace justice. The word is too expansive, modest, loaded with nuance, and practical. The penny of desired mental states, peace is taken for granted unless continuously multiplied. Yet peace is not entirely mysterious to us: we recognize it in people’s words, actions, and characters. What meaning does a peaceful day possess if not compared against events of a hectic one?

Multiple dimensions coalesce whenever we demand peace. Perhaps like love or wisdom, peace is the energy we understand tacitly, instead of overtly, knowing more internally than we can easily define with language.

Although examining the nature of harm and other dimensions of violence retain importance in understanding peacebuilding, it would seem that questions relating to the blurred boundaries between society, our desires, and peace require further deep thinking.

The current canon of peace scholarship emphasizes a nation’s relationship to war. From Kant to Rousseau, this lengthy canon lives as though the individual’s relationship to peace is only related to how a country manages its rights, along with how quickly the government is willing to resort to violence to expand or protect its regime. Society plays a part in our understanding of peace, but…

